Clothing for Dancing Lessons: State Schools--Country Trends

Figure 1.--We have only basic information about this school dance class. It is obviously an American school, in this case a 5th grade a public primary school neear Chicago in 1935. The knickers the boys are wearing suggest that the photograph are tupical for the 1930s. Apparently the school required the children to wear special sandals for the dance class. This was not common footwear for boys in an American school. It is very unusual to see American boys wearing sandals with knickers. Click on the image for a fuller discussion.

We do not yet have much information about school dance classes. We know that they are wide variations from country to country as to including dance classess in the classroom. I do not recall dance classes in primary school in the United States during the 1950s, but American schools vary widely from school to school. We believe that some schools did have dance programs. Mot commonly this was social dancing, but younger children may have done iterperative dance in some schools. I do remember dance lessons in junior hogh school. We did basic social dancing and square dancuing in gym class. I believe that similar dance instruction was available in British schools, but have few details. We have no nformation on other European countries. We suspect that the rather academiclly orinented French schools did not have dance lessons. Hopefully our European readers will provide details in their countries.


I do not recall dance classes in primary school in the United States during the 1950s, but American schools vary widely from school to school. We believe that some schools did have dance programs. Mot commonly this was social dancing, but younger children may have done iterperative dance in some schools. I do remember dance lessons in junior hogh school. We did basic social dancing and square dancuing in gym class.


I believe that similar dance instruction was available in British schools to that described for America, but have few details. An English reader writes, "The picture here reminds me very much of of the 'Music and Movement' lessons we used to have at primary school. This was broadcast by BBC schools radio from the 1940s through to the 70s. As the classes were run by your ordinary class teachers they would rely on the radio broadcast to provide the stimulus. Here looks like a typical scenario as I remember these classes - the broadcast has probably asked one pupil to be chosen to show in body language "defiance" or "pride" or something and the rest "accusation". Then the programme would ask the teacher to change the scene - here perhaps to the boy trying to escape the crowd or something.Sometimes music would be used to provide the stimulus.I never recall any formal dance lessons - as indicated the emphasis was more on "movement".These lessons always took place in the school hall,as seems to be the case here as few schools had a gym.As y! ou point out we always took off our shoes and socks to save the floor from damage. This was the same for gym lessons.


We suspect that the rather academiclly orinented French schools did not have dance lessons.





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Created: January 30, 2004
Last updated: 10:45 PM 11/14/2004