Country Artistic Traditions

Figure 1.--A fascinating question in connection with the arts is why the great achievemnents have often been centered on a small number of countries or at specific historical times. Why have the Germans, for example, so dominated the Western musical tradition?

A fascinating question in connection with the arts is why has great achievemnent often been centered on a small number of countries or specific times. Here we are operating under the politically correct mantra that ability, in this case artistic ability, is evenly distributed across the globe aomong different races and nationalities. If this is in fact the case, it is fascinating that artistic achievement has so often flowered in specific countries and in some case quite small countries. Music has been dominated by Germany and Austria which is part of the German tradition. Artistic acvhieveent has been more wide spread, but here the Dutch (including the Flemish), Italians and French have excelled, although for relatively brief periods. Literature has been dominated by the English-speaking people (America and Britain). Dance has been dominated by the Russians. This is not to say that there have not been great achievements in oither countries. But the great achievements seem to be heavily centered in a relatively small number of countries. An important quesion is why this has occurred. Surely education is an important factor, but we suspect that there are other factors involved.

Individual Coutries

A fascinating question in connection with the arts is why has great achievemnent often been centered on a small number of countries or specific times. Here we are operating under the politically correct mantra that ability, in this case artistic ability, is evenly distributed across the globe aomong different races and nationalities. If this is in fact the case, it is fascinating that artistic achievement has so often flowered in specific countries and in some case quite small countries. This is not to say that there have not been great achievements in oither countries. But the great achievements seem to be heavily centered in a relatively small number of countries.

Artistic Disciplines

Music has been dominated by Germany and Austria which is part of the German tradition. A reader points out, "There are few European or American composers either at the level of a Bach, Beethoven or Brahms. England's greatest composer, Georg Friedrich Händel (George Frederick Handel, after his naturalization) was German-born. The German superiority in classical music is overwhelming (Austrians like Haydn, Mozart or Schubert are part of German musical culture). Artistic acvhievement has been more wide spread, but here the Dutch (including the Flemish), Italians and French have excelled, although for relatively brief periods. Literature has been dominated by the English-speaking people (America and Britain). Dance has been dominated by the Russians, but notably by Russian-trained dancers who pursued careers in the West.

Creative Factors

An important quesion is why this has occurred. Surely education is an important factor, but we suspect that there are other factors involved. Here culture is important because what a country values tends to be rewarded. And of course rewards attract talented people. Economics can not be ignored. A notable connection can be drawn between countries that are economically sucessful and artistically creative. Here the connection presumably is that countries that are economically successful can afford to nture and reward artistic talent.


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Created: 4:01 PM 1/1/2009
Last updated: 4:01 PM 1/1/2009