Musical Prodigies: Mieczyslaw Horszowski (Poland, 1892- )

Figure 1.--Horszowski kept his long hair even as an older boy as can be seen in the portrait reproduced in this poster for a concert.

Mieczyslaw played before the Emperor Franz-Joseph as a boy in Vienna. He proceded to achieve the longest international career in the history of western classical music. By the age of 6 years he had performed recitals in eight European capitals. The 7-year old "Miecio" came from Poland to take piano lessons in Vienna with Tehodor Leschetizky, the teacher of Paderewski and Schnabel. He recalls,"He made me play to the whole class. They jad fitted a special device to the piano, so that my feet could reach the pedals. He was an exacting man and he expected from me the same stanfard as from one of his advanced pupils. ... Sometime later Leschetizky made me stand on a table and play the violin to them, too. I realized that I was playing out of tune, but when I looked anxiously at Leschetizky's face, he was smiling. You see, he knew I was destined to be a pianist!" I have few images of Miecio, but one shows him in a light-colored dress or tunic outfit with a lace collar. He wears shoulder lenghth hair, but not done in ringlet curls. He looks to be about 5 or 6 years old.


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Created: 7:46 AM 11/11/2007
Last updated: 7:46 AM 11/11/2007