Advertisements: Ipana Tooth Paste (United States, 1942)

Figure 1.--Ipana was a very well known brand in the 1940s and became even more popular in the 1950s with Bucky Beaver. Its demise in the 1960s is a subject of study for advertising historians. This ad appeared in 1942, a year of nar=tional crisis following Pearl Harbor. Notice the patriotism brought into the ad. The boy looks to be wearing a large collar blouse which we no longer see to any extent after the War.

Ipana toothpaste was manufactured by Bristol-Myers. I and some of our older readers remember it. Ipana was a wintergreen flavored toothpaste with sodium fluoride as the active ingredient--interesting given its early appearance. It was one of the most well-known brand merican detifrice products. Bristol-Myers introduced it (1901). Bristol-Myers made an early commitment to radio advertising when the broadcasting industry began to take off after World War I. The program was the 'The Ipana Troubadors' (1923). Columbia issued popular records with Ipana Troubadors title (1925-31). Sam Lanin led the studio group. The Lanin brothers became important band leaders--a Jewish family with 10 children that immigrated from Russia with its pogroms during the 1900s. The magic of America took them from hated pogrom targets to popular entertainers. Here we see a World War II era ad, evoking a prtriotic rather than a commercial theme (figure 1). Ipana achieved its peak popularity during the 1950s. The company used a Disney-created mascot named Bucky Beaver during the 1950s. Of course beavers with their trae-mark teeth were a natural choice. Bristol made a big bet om magazine advertising focusing on women's magazines. Many adverising experts believe this was a mistake as men began to see it as a woman's/child product. Other reasons for the demise of Ipana was increasing competition from Procter & Gamble, Colgate, and others. Bristol's decision not to go big in color television. The company's decision to focus more on pharmaceuticals as Bristol moved to becone a drug powerhhouse. Poilitical attacks about floride may have been another factor.


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Created: 3:40 AM 6/21/2017
Last updated: 3:40 AM 6/21/2017