Francisco Goya: Victor Guye (Spain, 1810)

Figure 1.-- Goya painted this painted in 1810 of Victor Guye. Victor was the nephew of one of the leading French generals in Spain--Nicholas Guye. Victor is attired in the highly militarized costume of the uniform of the Order of Pages to King Joseph Bonaparte.

Goya painted both Spanish and French arisocrats, including their children. Goya of course painted the most gritty images of the Napoleonic Wars. He depicted the Peninsular Campaign in all its barbarity. His portraits of Spanish and French aristocrats, however, provide no clue as to his political sympathies. Comparing them he shows no favortism or disaproval of either side. The impage here was painted in 1810 of Victor Guye. Victor was the nephew of one of the leading French generals in Spain--Nicholas Guye. Victor is attired in the highly militarized costume of the uniform of the Order of Pages to King Joseph Bonaparte. Napoleon had replaced the Bonparte king of Spain with his brother Joseph. Nicholas was about 6-7 years of age when this portrait was painted. That made him a little young to serve as a page in Joseph's court. Given his uncle's position, Victor apparently received permission to wear a page's uniform. Notice the elaborate gold braid. This is perhaps the most elaborate page costume we have noted. Note that this elaborate, formal costume includes an open collar. Goya gave great attention to depicting the the gold braid on Victor's uniform. He used thick daubs of paint. The portrait was a pair. Goya also painted Victor's uncle Nicholas. Another French boy in Spain at this time was Victor Hugo, also the son of an important French general. By the time this portrait was painted, the French were having increasing problems in the Peninsular Campaign and woukld a few years later would havev to evacuate.


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Created: 5:11 AM 7/6/2004
Last updated: 5:11 AM 7/6/2004