Artists Illustrating Boys' Fashions: Eustace P.E. Nash (England, 1886-1969)

Figure 1.--This is a good example of Eustace P.E. Nash's Dorset paintings. This one shows the docks at St. Ives. We are not sure just when it was painted, perhaps the 1950s. Click on the image for another Nash seaside scene, the largeer port city of Poole, also in Dorset a few years eralier.

Eustace was born at Boscombe (1886). His father Fred Nash with a brother and associate published a weekly newspaper, the Bournemouth Observer. We do not know much about his childhood. He had a brother, Leslie. He is associated with the Channel coast, esoecially Dorset a little to he westt. The studied art at the school on Drummond Road in Bournemouth, studying under A Lister Lobley. He achieved success as a popular commercial artist. He produced a weekly cartoon for the Bournemouth Graphic, usually charactures of local figures (1920s-30s). He did a great deal of work for Bournemouth and Poole's publicity deparnent. And he did a lot of private commissions. He formed a close friendship with Leslie Ward. Both were founder members of the Bournemouth Art Club. Nash was a commercial artist by day, but then painted and drew in his free time. Nash did nunmerous paintings of local scenes. We see the Dorset countryside, Poole Quay, seafront cenesbus station, and much more. Nash and Ward exhibited at the Royal Academy. Nash exhibited his paintings at many other venues. Eustace married Phyllis Kemp (1927). Nash and Ward left awonderful visual legacy depicting scenes all over Dorset populated with local people including children. Dorset has become a popular tourist destination. Bournemouth is a lovely place as is Poole and Swanage. Some Americans may recognize Diorset as the location of the Famous Five stories by Enid Blyton.


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Created: 8:21 PM 11/6/2013
Last updated: 8:22 PM 11/6/2013