Jeremiah Steele (England, early 19th century)

Figure 1.--We note a fine watercolor on ivory of a young boy leaning on a desk and holding a book. Note the lace collar and use of buttons. This minaiture was reportedly attributed by Sotheby's, London to Jeremiah Steele, an English artist working in the first third of the 19th century.

We note a fine watercolor on ivory of a young boy leaning on a desk and holding a book (figure 1). If the identification of the artist is correct, then we know that he is an English boy. Note the large lace collar worn with a buttoned collar and small black stock. The collar looks very much like the lasrge collars worn in the late-19th century. The burgundy suit has extensive button woirk repeated on the vest (waistcoat). This minaiture was reportedly attributed by Sotheby's, London to Jeremiah Steele, an Englishartist working in the first third of the 19th century. It is undated, but was probably painted about 1820.


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Created: September 25, 2003
Last updated: 2:43 PM 10/11/2016