Unidentified Teenager (Scotland, about 1860)

Figure 1.-- This uncased Ambrotype is difficult to assess. The portrait tyle and the clothing date it to about 1860, surely between 1855-65. This is the time range of most Ambrotypes. The cut-away jacket which the boy wears was a popular style in the 1860s, at least in America. We are less sure about the time line in Scotland.

This uncased Ambrotype is difficult to assess. The portrait tyle and the clothing date it to about 1860, surely between 1855-65. This is the time range of most Ambrotypes. He wears a cut-away jacket with a vest. The cut-away jacket which the boy wears was a popular style in the 1860s, at least in America. We are less sure about the time line in Scotland. The pose seems more like the 1850s. The teenager seems a little older than most Americas boys we have found wearing cut-away jackets. Agaon, the conventins could be different in Scotland. While the portrait is not identiied, we think it is Scottish for twp reasons. One is the Balnoral cap or tam the boy wears. That would have been unusual in America. To is that the back of the portrait has what looks like newspaper from Bbitain. He has an Eton collar and elogated boe. He seems to be wearing some kind of leggings. His hair worn long, covring part of the ears. Areader writes, "This photo is interesting. The boy is probably from an affluent family. He is well groomed and wears an Eton collar. The clothes are coarse and look agricultural. The leggings (gaiters) are similar to those worn on a grouse moor. I suggest he might be the son of a farmer who has been on a shooting party. He has a dog, but no gun. Perhaps he was 'beating'. That is walking in line with others, and dogs, across the moor to raise the birds for the shooting party. Certainly it must be Scottish." Yes the clorthes, at least the leggings, and the large dog have a rural look to them. HBC thought that the beaters were the crofters and their children. The boy struck us as from a more affluent family.


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Created: 3:31 AM 2/13/2009
Last updated: 6:40 AM 2/18/2009