Harold Howe: Ringlet Curls (United States, 1905)

Figure 1.-- Here we see a boy's ringlet curls from the side. It is a helpful portrait, because usually we get a frontal view. We are a little uncertain about this portrait. Unlike the ther portraits here, the boy is not identified. We think, however, it may be Harold. The portrait is not dated, but from the frame we can tell it was taken about 1905.

Here we see a boy's ringlet curls from the side. It is a helpful portrait, because usually we get a frontal view. We are a little uncertain about this portrait. Unlike the ther portraits here, the boy is not identified. We think, however, it may be Harold. The portrait is not dated, but from the frame we can tell it was taken about 1905. And the boys wears the same a jacket or tunic in the same material wth an Eton collr and floppy bow. He looks about 5 years old. The images are being handled by the same dealer. The similarities very strongly suggest the same boy. This is, however, a profile shot so it is difficult to make a facial coparison.


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Created: 10:20 PM 9/7/2007
Last updated: 10:20 PM 9/7/2007