Figure 1.-- Louis G. Martin had his portrait taken with his mother in 1895. I am not positive about the date, but it was reported by the dealer. Louis wears a military uniform. We see these costumes more commonly after the turn of the 20th century. We suspect he was from a military family. Rather incogrously he wears ringlet curls with his military uniform. I have not noticed that before.

Louis G. Martin (United States, 1895)

Louis G. Martin had his portrait taken with his mother in 1895. I am not positive about the date, but it was reported by the dealer. Louis wears a military uniform. We see these costumes more commonly after the turn of the 20th century. We suspect he was from a military family. Rather incogrously he wears ringlet curls with his military uniform. I have not noticed that before. The portrait was taken by the Stevens Studio in Chicago. Louis later in life reportedly joined the American Expeditionary Forces Medical Corps during World War I.


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Created: 1:36 AM 9/18/2007
Last edited: 1:36 AM 9/18/2007