*** Harold MaCay Howard McCay

Figure 1.--Two cabinent card portraits show twins Harold and Howard McCay. They look to be about 5 years old. The portraits were taken at the Smith studio in Wilmington, Ohio. They are undated, but we would guess the early 1890s. The first portrtait shows rhe boys wearing identical sailor caps with wite Eton-like collars, and plain middy blouses, knee pants and long stockings. Dressing twins identically was a popular convention. Put your cursor on the image to see the second portrait.

Harold and Howard McCay (United States, early 1890s)

Two cabinent card portraits show twins Harold and Howard McCay. They look to be about 5 years old. The portraits were taken at the Smith studio in Wilmington, Ohio. They are undated, but we would guess the early 1890s. The first portrtait shows rhe boys wearing identical sailor caps with wite Eton-like collars, and plain middy blouses, knee pants and long stockings. Dressing twins identically was a popular convention. Mother had added matching floppy bows, but not as large as some we have seen. Mixing Eton collars and middy blouses was rather unusual. Another portrait shows the boys sitting down without their caps.


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Created: 5:09 AM 3/13/2009
Last edited: 5:09 AM 3/13/2009