Figure 1.-- This cabinet card shows Harry McFarland with his violin. It was a Christmas present that was sent to friends and family with a Happy Christmas inscription. Harry wears a knee pants suit with what looks like dark matching dark long stockings and high-top shoes, standard for the day. We can't make out much about his jacket. He is wearing some kind of white shirt. He looks to be about 10 years old. The new style mount does not indicate the studio or location. The studio useds drappery as a background. He seems to have a center hair part. There looks to be a ring.

Harry McFarland (United States, 1899)

This cabinet card shows Harry McFarland with his violin. It was a Christmas present that was sent to friends and family with a Happy Christmas inscription. Harry wears a knee pants suit with what looks like dark matching dark long stockings and lace-up high-top shoes, standard for the day. We can't make out much about his jacket. He is wearing some kind of white shirt. He looks to be about 10 years old. The new style mount does not indicate the studio or location. The studio useds drappery as a background. He seems to have a center hair part. There looks to be a ring.


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Created: 12:25 AM 3/27/2015
Last edited: 12:25 AM 3/27/2015