Figure 1.--This boy is posing for his portrait in full Scottish Highland attire. Written on the back of the matte is his name, Hugh McKay, son of Hugh and Cecelia Mc Kay. The photo was taken by the I. S. Griffing Studio in Jersey City, New Jersey. The portrait is undated, but looks to us as if it was taken in the 1870s.

Hugh McKay (United States, about 1870)

This boy is posing for his portrait in full Scottish Highland attire. Written on the back of the matte is his name, Hugh McKay, son of Hugh and Cecelia Mc Kay. The photo was taken by the I. S. Griffing Studio in Jersey City, New Jersey. The portrait is undated, but looks to us as if it was taken in the 1870s. It is not possible to tell from the costume, but the mount suggests an early cabinet card. He wears a Glengary complete with feather, Eton cllar, bowtie, black jacket, plaid, kilt, sporan, and buckle shoes. Only the socks or stockings are a little unusual. A reader writes, "It appears that the boy is wearing stockings under the striped knee socks. Could be the shadowing too. Also would you say the boy is 7 years old? " The striped stockings seemmunusual for Highland outfits, especilly such an elaborate one as this. Argyples were more common. But in answer to your question, we found it difficult to determine if he was wearing knee socks or long stockings. As to afe, I woild say that 7-8 years old would be a good estmate.


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Created: 5:35 AM 2/25/2008
Last edited: 7:32 AM 2/25/2008