Figure 1.-- The Witak boys wear a variety of outfits.The younger brother seems to be wearing a sailor suit. The older boy wears a collar-buttoming jacket. Both boys wear long short pants. Their middle-aged brother wears a shirt along with suspenders and long pants. These long short psants and long pants were common in Poland during the 1920s-30s, especially in rural areas.

Witak Brothers (Poland, 1927)

This family snapshot shows the three Witak brothers. We know nothing about the family. We do not know where they lived in Poland, except somewhere in eastern Poland. Eastern Poland had been part of the Russian Empire, but after World War I was obtsained by the new Polish Republic in a war with the Bolsheviks. The population was mixed with Poles, Beyloruusians, Ukranians, Lithuanians, and Jews. We are not sure about the ethnicity of these boys. Their family name we thinks suggests Polish, vut we are not sure about this. Much of eastern Polad became part of the Soviet Union after World War II (Beylorussia and the Ukrine). The boys wear a variety of outfits.The younger brother seems to be wearing a sailor suit. The older boy wears a collar-buttoming jacket. Both boys wear long short pants. Their middle-aged brother wears a shirt along with suspenders and long poants. These long short psants and long pants were common in Poland during the 1920s-30s, especially in rural areas.


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Created: 7:03 PM 8/26/20097
Last edited: 7:03 PM 8/26/2009