Nigerian Geography

Figure 1.--Nigeria benefits from one of the largest river systens jn the world. Here men and boys are seen by a dugout canone used on a river near Lagos in southwestermn Nigeria about 1935. Despite the extensiver river system and huge volune of water flowing through them, much of central and nofther Nigeria is arid part of the Shel bordering on the Dagaran Desert.

Nigeria is one of the West African countries on the Gulf of Guinea. The geography is extremely diverse. Nigeria is apcomplicted mix of distinctive regions which incluse deserts, plains, swamps, mountains, and steamy jungles. Much of the country including the central area is covered with plains and savanna grasslands. The flat areas extend out as far as one can see, interupted by occasional trees and shrubs. Northern Nigeria is arid steppe semi-desert extending into the arid sub-Saharan region of neighboring Niger and Chad. The western border is with Benin and the eastern border with Cameroon. The highest elevations are the Jos Plateau (1,200-2,400 meters above sea level) and mountains along the Cameroon border. The principal rivers are the Niger and Benue. They are part of one of the largest river systems in the world. Before the arrival of the Europeans, the river were the primary commercial trade routes. Roads did not exist to transport goods. This could only be done over rivers. The most important are the Niger and the Benue. The most important river by far is the Niger, the most important river of West Africa. The lower course of the Niger cuts across western and southern Nigeria. The Niger Delta, yje third lathest in the world, n south central Nigeria empties into the Gulf of Guinea in the south. Nigeria borders along Lake Chad in the northeast. The country's notable geographical features include the Adamawa highlands, Mambilla Plateau, Jos Plateau, Obudu Plateau, and the already mentioned Niger River and Delta.


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Created: 10:26 AM 11/22/2009
Last updated: 10:31 PM 11/25/2009