Cambodian Families

Figure 1.--Cambodian families tend to be very close knit. Here a young boy is caring for his younger siblings and cosins in Phnom Penh. This is particularly common with girls, but boys also care for the younger children.

The family is very important in Cambodin society, one of the trditionl social insitutions the Commumnit Kymer Rouge attacked. Families as in most traditional agricultural socities tend to be large and close knit. One obsrveable pattern in the photographic rcord is how even toung children care for their younger siblings. The extended family system is widespread with two or three generations living together in one household. A Cambodian houhold may include grandparents, parents, unmarried adult children (including aunts aunts and uncles), children and the in-laws. The family bond is pronounced and involves well establoshed life-long rights and obligations. [Seanglim, 1991.] The family members are expected to live in harmony. They share food and are involved in each other’s business, ssentialy the idea of privacy is absent in Cambidian family life. Deference is expected toward the older members of the family. This includes aunts and uncles with no regard as to parentage. Aunts and uncles can pldy an important role in the family, helping wih child care and discussiins of all family matters.


Seanglim, Bit. The Warrior Heritage: A Psychological Perspective of Cambodian Trauma California: Seanglim Bit self published, 1991).


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Created: 2:29 AM 10/24/2015
Last updated: 2:29 AM 10/24/2015