Canadian Boys' Clothes: McCormick Family (1927)

Figure 1.--Here we see the McCormick family, granfather McCormick and his two grandchildren, Michael and Mary, taken in Calgary, Alberta during 1927. The boy (about 8 years old) wears a short trousers suit with long black stockings. The girl (about 6 or 7 years old) wears a dress with bloomers and long tan stockings. We also have a nice view of their home.

Here we see the McCormick family, granfather McCormick and his two grandchildren, Michael and Mary, taken in Calgary, Alberta during 1927. The boy (about 8 years old) wears a short trousers suit with long black stockings. The girl (about 6 or 7 years old) wears a dress with bloomers and long tan stockings. The reader that sent the image writes, "These styles seem to be very much like American styles for children's clothing in the 1920s." I am not sure I would agree here. The boy's suit looks rather old fashioned. I think most American boys by 1927 had suit jackets with lapels. American children still wore long stockings in the 1920s, but I think they were more common in Canada. Of course climate was a factor here. Areader writes, "I agree with you that the boy's jacket looks a bit old-fashioned for 1927. But I think long stockings were quite common in the United States during 1927." HBC agrees here. The photograpic archive doesshow that many American children wore long stockings in the 1920s. But it also shows that many children did not wear long stockings, especially durung the summer. We are only saying that long stockings were more common in Canada, not that they were uncommon in the States.


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Created: 6:12 PM 5/29/2007
Last updated: 6:12 PM 5/29/2007