Canadian Boys' Clothes: Knicker Suit Pants

Figure 1.--Canadian boys wore both knicker and kneepants suits in the early 20th century. I'm not sure whn this photograph wa taken, but I guess about 1910. Interesting that the boys look close in age, but two have long pants, one knickers and one kneepants, the caps are similar, but the jackets all vary and the two in long pants have vests and it looks like they are wearing a 3 piece suit. Image courtesy of the CS collection.

Knickers were a very popular type of pants in Canada, both pants in general and suit pants. We see Canadian boys wearing knicker suits in the late-19th century. This was a popular style in England. Canadian boys at the turn of the century seem to be commonly wearing knicker suits A very large porortion of the photographs we have archived during the early-20th century of boys in suits show boys wearing knee pants and knickers with long stockings. We note boys wearing both above and below the knees knickers. Even older teenagers wore knickers. This seems similar to trends in America. Before World War I (1914-18) boys commonly wore knicker suits to high school. As far as we can tell, knickers in Canada were primarily worn with long stockings, but our archive is still very limited. This became less common after the War. After the War boys began wearing knee socks although long stockings continued to be worn with knicker suits for years. Knickers were quite common through the 1920s-30s. As in America, short pants were not as common as in Europe. Here climate may have been a factor. The style persisted into the mid-1950s a little longer than in America.


Knickers were a very popular type of pants in Canada, both pants in general and suit pants.


We see Canadian boys wearing knicker suits in the late-19th century. This was a popular style in England. Canadian boys at the turn of the century seem to be commonly wearing knicker suits A very large porortion of the photographs we have archived during the early-20th century of boys in suits show boys wearing knee pants and knickers with long stockings. We note boys wearing both above and below the knees knickers. Even older teenagers wore knickers. This seems similar to trends in America. Before World War I (1914-18) boys commonly wore knicker suits to high school. As far as we can tell, knickers in Canada were primarily worn with long stockings, but our archive is still very limited. This became less common after the War. After the War boys began wearing knee socks although long stockings continued to be worn with knicker suits for years. Knickers were quite common through the 1920s-30s. As in America, short pants were not as common as in Europe. Here climate may have been a factor. The style persisted into the mid-1950s a little longer than in America.



Accompanying Clothes



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Created: June 25, 2001
Last updated: 8:24 PM 9/9/2010