French Boys Clothes: Serge--Dressup Boyhood Clothes

Figure 1.--Here my brother and I are with our mother. We are dressed up for Sunday in matching blazers and short pants. We were 13 and 15 years old when father took this sanpshot.

We hated to wear the dressy Sunday clothes. As school boys we normally wore blazers and short pants. We didn't like dressing up because as we were wearing our best clothes, our parents insisted that we be careful not to get them dirty. We often wore matchinging outfits. A family photograph taken in the early 1960s shows my brother and I with our mother on Sunday (figure 1). We are wearing matching double-breasted blazers and short pants. Our blazers were either blue or grey, Here in the photograph we are wearing blue blazers. I never minded wearing blazers. We are wearing short pants with our blazers. At this time in France it was more commn for boys by the time they rached age 15 to wear long trousers, especially when dressing up for Church or other special occassions. But as my brother and I wore shorts during the week in the summer months, we wore shorts when we dressed up on Sunday. Not all the boys did this and by the 1960s it was more common to see boys especially at age 15 wearing long trousers for Church. Often we did not wear neckties, but we did always button our shirt collars. I disliked wearing a necktie, although for some reason, I didn't mind buttoning my collar button. I would only wear a necktie when my parents insisted for festivals, ceremonies, or other special occassion. My brother and I began wearing long pants when we were about 12-13 years old, at least during the Winter. When it got warmer we switched back to short pants. In the photograph here we are wearing shorts because the weathrer had turned warm. We were 13 and 15 years old when this snapshot was taken by our father. We usually wore short ankle socks, but when the weather got cooler we wore kneesocks. Our kneesocks were normally White, light gray, or some other light color.

Nous détestions porter nos habits du dimanche. A l'école nous étions normalement habillés en culotte courte et en blazer. Nous n'aimions pas nous endimancher parce que nous devions nous vêtir de nos plus beaux habits et nos parents nous obligeaient à y faire attention. Nous avons souvent été habillés pareils. Une photo prise au début de 1960 nous montre mon frère et moi avec notre mère un dimanche (figure 1). Nous sommes vêtus identiques, en culotte courte , avec un blazer à double boutonnage. Il est vrai que vers l'age de 15 ans, on portait plus souvent le pantalon long! Mais de même que l'on portait des short en semaine, l'été, il arrivait aussi de porter blazer et culotte courte le dimanche, mais plus "habillée", "luxueuse", que le reste du temps... En tous les cas, mon frère et moi portions encore des culotte courtes vers 14 - 15 ans, le dimanche. Peut-être moins souvent, à cet age là! Souvent nous ne mettions pas de cravatte mais toujours avec le col boutonné. Habituellement nous mettions des socquettes et lorsque le temps se rafraîchissait nous les remplacions par des chaussettes.


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Created: September 25, 2003
Last updated: September 25, 2003