German Boys' Clothes: Play Suits--Coveralls

Figure 1.--This German boy wears a kind of short pants coverall outfit. The portrait is undated, but ws probably taken in the early 1950s. The boy here is playing with a wooden scotter, a popular play item in the 1950s.

We see a snapshot of a German boy wearing what look like a short pants coverall outfit, kind of a cross between bib-front overalls and shortalls. There may have also been longpants coveralls, but our information is very limited at this time. Coveralls do not neem to be a real common outfit for German boys, but we do see a few photographs of boys wearing them. The few images we have found are younger boys, but we do not have enough images at this time to assess the age conventions. I'm not sure what the German term for the coverall outfit seen here would be.


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Created: 11:23 PM 1/22/2006
Last updated: 11:23 PM 1/22/2006