World War II Danzig: Outbreak of World War II

Figure 1.-- World War II actually began in Danzig when the German cruiser 'Schleswig-Holstein' shelled the Polish garrison based at Westerplatte (September 1939). These were the first shots fired in World war II. German soldiers entering Danzig were ethusiastically welcomed by the German inhabitants. Here German soldiers and Danzig resisidents are preparing for the Führer's visit two weeks later (September 19). Notice the children were already organized into the Hitler Youth.

World War II actually began in Danzig when the German cruiser 'Schleswig-Holstein' shelled the Polish garrison based at Westerplatte (September 1939). These were the first shots fired in World war II. There was no big fight for Danzig. The NAZis were largely already in control of the city. The only serious resistance was put up by the garrison at Westerplatte. As German troops moved into the city, Danzingers enthusatically welcomed them. They were a small part of Hitler's assault on Poland. There was joyous celebration when Hitler visited the city 2 weeks later (September 18, 1939). A celebrating Führer arriving to Sopot on board his armored train, the Amerika. He checked into the Kasino Hotel (Sofitel Grand). He rode in his large Mercedes. All the city bells rang. Royal Road was decorated with red flags with the swastika. He was greeted with banners, "Danzig Grust seinen Führer' (Danzig welcomes its leader). Some streets were laid with floral carpets.He stayed a week, during which time he received a delegation from Japan, visited the Schleswig-Holstein (German cruiser), Westerplatte, and inspected a parade outside Dwor Artus on Gdansk’s Dlugi Targ.


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Created: 8:13 PM 3/6/2015
Last updated: 8:13 PM 3/6/2015