Unidentified Hungarian Family: First Communion (1959)

Figure 1.--Here we see some of the children doing their Catholic First Communion in 1959. Hungary was a largely Catholic country. After World War II, the Soviets occupied Hungary and installed a Communist Government. The Communists took a variety of actions againstv the Church. Authorities arrested priests. The Church was restricted in their activities with children. Here we see children of the unidentified family doing their First Communion in 1959.

Here we see some of the children doing their Catholic First Communion in 1959. Hungary was a largely Catholic country. After World War II, the Soviets occupied Hungary and installed a Communist Government. The Communists took a variety of actions against the Church. Authorities arrested priests. They also arrested the bishop of Esztergom, Cardinal Mindszenty, and organized a show trial in 1949. The Church was restricted in their activities with children. During this period, I doubt if the open ceremony we see here would have been tolerated. Here we would be interested in hearing from Hungarian readers. People who active in the Church were restructed in a variety of ways, such as access to good jobs and promotions. The Communists did not, however, abolish the Church. And it became an institution around which Hungarians could express patriotic, anti-Communist feelings. Here we see children of the unidentified family doing their First Communion in 1959. One boy wears a white short pants suit. The other boy wears a dark suit. The girls wall wear white dresses, some with white headwear.


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Created: 2:02 AM 9/2/2009
Last updated: 2:02 AM 9/2/2009