Unidentified Hungarian Family: Summer Outing on the Tisza River (1960)

Figure 1.--Hungary of course is an inland country, but there are lakes and rivers which are populr summer bathing sites. Here we see some of the unidentified family members on a family outing during 1960. They are in a small boat on the Tisza River. The family is in the boat. Some masy also be in the water. It looks to be a popular bathing site.

Hungary of course is an inland country, but there are lakes and rivers which are populr summer bathing sites. Here we see some of the unidentified family members on a family outing during 1960. They are in a small boat on the Tisza River. The family is in the boat. Some masy also be in the water. It looks to be a popular bathing site.


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Created: 3:24 AM 9/2/2009
Last updated: 3:24 AM 9/2/2009