Korean Boys' Clothes: Chronology--South Korea

Figure 1.--Here we see some well-dressed Korean boys playing in an upscale Seoul neighborhood during 1974.

After the Korean War, very significant differences developed between North and South. The relationship between the two regions changed. The North had been the more industrialized and prosperous region of Korea. Within a very short period of time the North as a result of Communism became the poorer region and the South as a result of free market capitalism one of the phenoneally successful Asian Tigers. This becasame readily apparent by the 1960s as prosperity and consumer buying power began to trahsform the South. The result is breaktakingly displayed in nighttime satellite photography. Se note more boys wearing Western-style clothing in the south after the Korean War. Chinese-styled clothing became common in the north. South Korea after the War staged on the great economic success stories of the 20th centuries. This was achieved by the south which before the War was the poorer essentially agricultural area of Korea. The result that across the most heavily militarized borders in the world is the poorest country in the world next to one of Asia's richest countries. Not only has Korea succeeded economically, but Korea has also developed a solid democratic political structutre. Here President Regan's letter to President ChunDoo Hwan played a key role in avering the Korean military from suppressing the pro-democracy movement (1986?). [Lilley] As South Korea became increasingly prosperous in the 1960s we begin to see more children wearing fashionable Western-styled clothing. Interestingly the fashions were primarily Japanese versions of Western styles. The Eureopean styles adopted in Japan have been very influential in Korea as has South Korea's economic success. Boys in South Korea wore short shorts and also tights as was the case in Japan. South Korean boys now wear the latest Euroean and American styles. Korean children by the 1970s were commonly wearing Western styles. Traditiona styles became more of a dress-up style for special holidays.


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Crerated: 7:34 AM 12/7/2012
Last updated: 7:34 AM 12/7/2012