Russian Hosiery: Influences

Figure 1.--Here we see a Russian boy in a family snap shot on a family picnic we wears short pants with tights. We suspect that the picnic was diring the spring or fall when the morings and afternoons were quite cool.

We note both climatic-seasonal influences in Russia as well as fashion influences from neigboring European countries, especially Germany. Russian winters can be very severe. Given the climate, warm hosiery like long stockings were commonly worn in Russia. Long stockings in general were much more importantb in northern than southern Europe. And the climate was colder in Russia than Western Europe because of the mor continental climate. Thus we see them commonly worn in Scandanavia, Germant, Poland, and Russia even after they were less commonly worn in other countries. Tights for children first appeared in Germany during the 1950s and rapidly replaced long stockings. It took bout a decade for tights to penetrate the Iron Curtaun, but by the 1970s they were commonly worn by Russian children. Here trends seem to have been some what influenced by Germany. After World War II there was considerable trade between the Soviet Union and East Germany. The practical aspet of tunics for children helped to so rapidly replace long stockings. Tights continue to be worn by children, both boys and girls in Russia today.


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Created: 1:18 AM 12/8/2008
Last updated: 1:18 AM 12/8/2008