United States Boys' Hat Styles: Sailor Hat--Age

Figure 1.--This unidentified American boy wearing a classic ide-brimmed sailor hat holds a toy wagon. He looks to be about 3 years old. He wears a blouse with a modest collar and floppy bow. The cabinet card is undated, but the clothes and mount suggest it was taken about 1900-05. Note the light-colored streamers at the right. The boy's name may be Joe Ritter.

We note boys of varying ages wearing sailor suits. This was generally boys from about 2-12 years of age. Teenagers were less likely to wear sailor suits, although a few younger teenagers might do so. Sailor suits were most common fot boys 10-years old and younger. The wide brimmed sailor hat with these sailor suits were most common for the younger cohart, primarily pre-school boys. This is confirmed by the photographic record. And we see these wide-brimmed hats being worn with other outfits for younger boys like tunic suits and Fauntleroy suits. These were also outfits primarily worn by pre-scho boys, but worn by some boys even after beginning school. We also see some younger primary boys, especially the 6-7 year olds who might wear them. Some older boys wore them, but they were most common for pre-school boys. Girls of much older ages wore them, but they become much less common for boys after about 6 years of age. Other styles of sailor hats and might be worn by somewhat older boys.

Age 2 Years

We begin to see boys wearing sailor hats at about age 2 years. Sailor suits on the other hand were most common for somewht older boys. Most 2-year olds in the 19th century had not yet been breeched.

Age 3 Years

We think that silor hats were even more common for 3 years ols than 2 year olds. The classic wide brimmed saolor hats were especilly popular for younger bots. Wide-brimmed sailor hats were most common for the younger, pre-school cohart. And we see these wide-brimmed hats being worn with other outfits for younger boys like drsses, tunic suits, kilt suits, and Fauntleroy suits. The unidentified boy here wars a good example of the classic, wide-brimmed sailor hat (figure 1). We note a Provincetown boy who looks to be about 3, perhaps 4 years old in 1885. Notice how his hat had a much wider frim than his older brother's sailor hat.

Age 5 Years

Wide-brimmed sailor hats were most common with pre-school boys, especially the really large brims. an bu age 5 years w seemore boys wearig sailorsuits rather than the skirtd garments and even Fautleroy suits wirn by younger biys. These wide brimmed sailor hats were garments primarily worn by pre-school boys, but worn by some boys even after beginning school.

Age 6 Years

We also see some younger primary boys, especially the 6-7 year olds who might wear wide brimmed sailor hats, but henerally speaking we see smewhat more narrow brims than the hats worn by the younger boys. them. Some older boys wore them, but they were most common for pre-school boys. Girls of much older ages wore them, but they become much less common for boys after about 6 years of age. Other styles of sailor hats and might be worn by somewhat older boys. We note another Provincetown boy who looks to be about 6 years ild, perhaps 7 years. His sailor hat has a smaller brim thn his younger brother.

Age 7 Years

we note a large unidentified group in the 1880s with many school age boys. We see quite a few boys wearing wide wide brimmed sailor hats. The really wide brims seem to be mostly worn by the preschool boys. .

Age 10 Years

Sailor suits were most common fot boys 10-years old and younger. The wide brimmed sailor hat with these sailor suits were most common for the younger cohart, primarily pre-school boys. This is confirmed by the photographic record.

Age 12 Years

Age 12 was at the upper end of boys wearing sailor hats. Teenagers were less likely to wear sailor suits, although a few younger teens might do so.


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Created: 10:46 PM 3/19/2010
Last updated: 10:46 PM 3/19/2010