New Zealand Schools E-Book: Foreward

New Zealand schools
Figure 1.--Most New Zealand secondary schools are coeducational, but there are boys and girls schools in most large cities. These boys at a single-gender school are working on a computer project. This school had a relaxed uniform, basically a polo shirt, short pants, and knee socks. A sweter was optional in cool weather.  

Our objective in our New Zealand school books is to provide a realistic look at everyday school life at a range of different schools. We will show the pupils from going to school in the morning to going home in the afternoon. And we will also show life at boarding schools. We have not taken staged, formal portraits. Rather we have photographed the teachers and puplils going about their everday activities. We have attempted to picture a wide range of activities at as many diffeent schools as possible all over New Zealand. Of course the primary activity is classroom instruction, but here there are many different classes and instructional approches. And there are at modern schools a wide range of activities that the children can persue including sports, fine arts, and recreatinal activities. We have visited both primary and secondaryschools of various kinds. This has including day and biarding schools, coeducational and single gender schools, public and private schools, and other different types of schools. We have primarily attempted to picture the schools from the pupil's point of view to give as accuarate a picture of possible of going to school in New Zealand.


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