New Zealand School Uniforms: Popularity

Figure 1.-- As far as we can tell, school uniforms seem more popular (at least with parents) in New Zealand than any other country in the world. We are not entirely sure why this is. The attitudes of the students seem to have varied from school to school. The younger children usually don't give it much of a thought. The older students often had much more to say about their uniforms. 

As far as we can tell, school uniforms seem more popular (at least with parents) in New Zealand than any other country in the world. We are not entirely sure why this is. New Zealanders who for many years looked on themselves as English. As even after consciounness of their own nationhood became more pronounces (especially after World War I), New Zealanders continued to view Britain with great affection. Moreso than Australia. Also being located so far away from Britain and the Western world, we suspect that the English styled school uniforms with the strong associaton with Britain and tradition provided a bit of comfort. At any rate, the association with Britain does seem to be a factor. The attitudes of the students seem to have varied from school to school. The younger children usually don't give it much of a thought. The older students often had much more to say about their uniforms.


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