Photo Essay Pages: Careers

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Often students do not connect the academic skills they are acquiring to the real world they are preparing for after school. New Zealand schools have programs and projects of various value to help students understand and prepare for the job market.


Recently a large careers noticeboard was installed by the wind tunnel in the Physics Laboratory area. Its main function is to provide information on a variety of career pathways and the various study courses available in the tertiary institutions. It is intended to encourage students to seek out what is positive and availabl on the job market, and not just to dwell on the negative -- the idea that there are no jobs out there.

Gone are the days of the "stable" work place when a young person could expect to remain in the same occupation for his entire working life. A young person must now accept that he will need to retrain for at least 4 to 5 different jobs in his working life. Appropriate education and training is far more important now than it has ever been. Hence the need for a boy to ork out his own career pathway.

The careers advusor is very familiar with the new technologies coming and about the wide variety of new job opportunities which this will create in the future.

To the person who wishes to dwell on the past it might appear that it is all doom and gloom out there. To the alert and aware student however, development of new technologies and new service industries, means a future full of exciting job opportunities.

Students at FDMC must make use of the information posted on the careers noticeboard. They should feel welcome to approach Mr. Kinny at all times about any question that they have about a careet when leaving school.

Wayne Kibby, Francis Douglas Memorial College, 1996


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