European Imperialism: Arab North Africa

Figure 1.--Arab North Africa was dominated by the Barbary pirates until after the Napoleonic Wars of the eatly 19th century. France began the colonization process when it moved into Algeria (1830s).

North Africa for four centuries were dominated by the Barbary Pirates, often called Corsairs. The French had moved to establish colonies in North Africa in the mid 19th century. The Barbary states maintained their independence throughout the 18th century. European traders would pay tribute to avoid pirate attacks. The British held the piracy in check to some extent, but also paid tribute. After the American Revolution, American shipping was no longer protected by the Royal Navy. The result was the first American foreign military expedition ordered by President Jefferson against the Barbary Pirates. After the Napoleonic Wars, the French began to move against the Barbary Pirates. One of the results was the creation of a new style which proved poplar for boys--the Zouave style. Military operations were initiated to protecr expanding French economic interests in Algeria and other North African areas. One popular style did originate in Algeria. Two battalions of troops were formed in 1830 by General Bertrand Clausel as part of the French military occupation of Algeria. The troops were from a tribe of Kabyles dwelling in Algeria. The name of the tribe was Zouaoua, which in France gave rise to the term, "zouave". The organization of these tribesmen as part of the French army was designed to establish a bond between them an the French occupation forces. They came to serve as mercinaries in the French army. French officers were put in charge and a certain number of French soldiers incorporated within their ranks. The mingling of French and natives did not prove satisfactory, and after 1839, none of the natives were recruited, although regiments of Algerian tirailleurs were subsequently formed.


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Created: 2:00 AM 4/28/20096
Last updated: 2:00 AM 4/28/2009