World War I: Ireland--Political Divisions and the War

Figure 1.--The photo was taken in Dublin, Ireland in 1914. We are not sure if the boys are marching in imitation of the Nationalist militis, the Irish Volunteers or the the British entry into World War I. At the time in Dublin there was support of both. Nationlist politicans decided to support the British war effort.

Ireland at the time was divided between Nationalists and Unionists. Independence was not the issue, rather it was home rule within the United Kingdom. Parliament was expected to pass a Home Rule bill in 1914. The Unionists were primarily concentrated in Ulster and Protestants. They formed an armed militia, the Ulster Volunteers (1913). to try to either prevent the implementation of Home Rule or if that failed to separate Ulster from the Home Rule settlement. Nationalists who were mostly majority Catholics responsded by forming a rival militia the Irish Volunteers. Their stated objective was to "defend the constitutional rights of the Irish people" and unstated was the desire to put pressure on Britain to act on the Home Rule bill. It looked for a time that the two militias might start fighting each other. It was at this time that the Germans invaded Belgium and the British Government declared war on Germany (August 1914). Although deeply divided, both Nationalists and Unionists decided that the best course was to loyally support Britain in the War. A small radical element desiring indeperndence had little support at the onset of the War. The common logic was that by fighting with Britain, they would be best situated to gain support for their position after the War. The Irish were recruited and eventually drafted for military service just like the English as British subjects. Just as in England, there was considerable support for Britain and the War. Many has romantic notions of war and no one really understood the terrible casualties to come.


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Created: 8:53 PM 9/17/2011
Last updated: 8:53 PM 9/17/2011