World War I: The Netherlands Trust

Figure 1.-- This German postcard was unused. It seems to depict British sailors stealing food from the Dutch. Presumably it refers to the Roual Navy Blockade of the North Sea which not only prevented German imports, but restricted Dutch imports least the Germans attempt to use Dutch ports. Food was a sore issue because both Germany and the Netherlands wee dependant on food imports. The illustrator was Emil Beithan. The Germans had not counted on this because they believe they could achieve a quick victory in the War.

The Dutch because they were dependant on food imports were severely affected by the Allied naval blockade. The Dutch also faced possible attacks from German U-boats. The British closed the Channel and Dutch ships had to go all the way around Scotland to reach the Atlantic. There was a shipping corridor into the North Sea was allowed by the Allies, but the trade was severly restricted. The Allies maintained a strict blockade on Germany. As part of that blockade, the Allies established a tight quota for shipping to pass through the blockade for the Dutch. The Netherlands Trust was set up to monopolize and administer the rigid quota of imports allowed through the Allied Blockade. The Trust was crated to sustain the Dutch, but prevent the Germans from importing food and war supplies through Dutch ports. The Allies tried to prevent all Dutch trade with the Germans, but were unsucessful. Some authors believe the Germans refrained from invding the Netherlands principally becuse Rotterdam was more useful to them if left in Dutch hands. We can not yet confirm this. We see no great military bebefits to occupying the Netherlands.


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Created: 8:07 AM 1/12/2009
Last updated: 8:07 AM 1/12/2009