Canadian Newspaper Advertisements: Tunic Suit Patterns (1906)

Figure 1.--These outfits for boys 3-6 years of age appeared in a French Canadian fashion magazine at the turn of the 20th century. They look quite similar to the clothes American boys were wearing at the time. One report suggests that this was in a 1906 newspaper.

We note tunic suits for boys 3-6 years of age appeared in a French Canadian fashion magazine or newspaper at the turn of the 20th century. Unfortunately we do not know in what publication they appeared. Tbe Fremch term for tunic seems to be "blouse". They look quite similar to the clothes American boys were wearing at the time. The newspaper offered patterns rather than actual garments. There were two tunic patterns offered. The pattens done on tissue paper costs 10 cents.

Patron No. 512

The ad copy read, "Vétement de garçonnet de 3 à 6 ans. Ce petit vétement trés nouveau se compose de 5 pièces. Peut se faire en lainage, velours, petit drap, etc. Matériaux 4 verges en 30 pounces de large." that means something like, "Garment for a small boy from 3 to 6 years. This small very new garment is composed of 5 parts. Can be done in woollen fabric, velvet, small cloth, etc. Materials 4 rods in 30 pounces broad." I think a rod was something like a yard. I have no idea what a pounce is, perhaps an inch.

Patron No. 529

The ad copy read, "Blouse pour garçonnet de 3 à 6 ans. Blouse de forme nouvelle, ornée de plis ronds encadrés d'un petit pilssé de taffetas. Matérlaux 2 erges en 48 pounces." This means something like, "Blouse (tunic) for small boy from 3 to 6 years. Blouse of new form, decorated round folds framed of small pilssé of taffeta. Materials 2 rods in 48 pounces."


We do not know the title of the publication here, but as it is in French, the most likely source is a Motreal newspaper. This leads us to another question. Are the gtunic suits here a style that were especially popular with French-speaking Canadians. Here we do not know, but as these tunic suits were also very popular in America, we suspect that they were also worn by English-speaking Canadian boys.


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Created: 9:01 PM 7/30/2007
Last updated: 9:01 PM 7/30/2007