American Mail Order Catalogs: Sears' Summer Underwear--1925

Figure 1.--Sears offered these different styles of summer underwear in its Spring-Summer 1925 catalog.

Sears offered a page with several different styles of summer underwear in its 1925 Spring and Summer catalog, p. 189. The page gives a good overview of the under wear worn by boys during the Summer in the 1920s. Here we have quite a variety of boys' union suits and waist union suits. Most of the suits are for teenage boys whose sizes are determined by chest measurement. The boys in the illustration seem to be from about 12 to 16-17. The waist union suit is designed for both boys and girls and is sized by age--from 2 up to 13. This is the garment with reinforcement straps, waist buttons, and pin tubes for supporters. In 1925 one-piece underwear for boys ssems the standard, especially in summer. For winter wear, boys could wear separate undershirts and long drawers, but most boys wore union suits with long or short legs. Cotton briefs and broadcloth shorts did not become popular until the late 1930s and early 1940s.


The Sears, Roebuck and Co., huge merchandising firm centered in Chicago was founded by Richard W. Sears (1863-1914) and A.C. Roebuck (1864-1948). Sears had begun a career in mail-order business in Minnesota 1886. In Chicago he and Roebuck joined resources and formed a corporation in 1893 as a mail-order business under title Sears, Roebuck and Company. In 1895 Julius Rosenwald (1862-1932) bought Roebuck's interest in firm and became president on Sears's retirement 1908. A retail-store system was added 1925. The first foreign store added in Havana, Cuba during 1945 and became the first expropriated store in 1960. The Sears-Roebuck brought the production of industry to the fartherest corner of rural America, opening the cornucopia of the consumer age to rural America. All the new things that were changing American life danced across their pages. Through it, a huge Chicago warehouse offers to modernize the farms and small towns of the Midwest.

Underwear Styles

Sears offered a page with several different styles of summer underwear in its 1925 Spring and Summer catalog, p. 189. The page gives a good overview of the under wear worn by boys during the Summer in the 1920s. Here we have quite a variety of boys' union suits and waist union suits. Most of the suits are for teenage boys whose sizes are determined by chest measurement. The boys in the illustration seem to be from about 12 to 16-17. The waist union suit is designed for both boys and girls and is sized by age--from 2 up to 13. This is the garment with reinforcement straps, waist buttons, and pin tubes for supporters. In 1925 one-piece underwear for boys ssems the standard, especially in summer. For winter wear, boys could wear separate undershirts and long drawers, but most boys wore union suits with long or short legs. Cotton briefs and broadcloth shorts did not become popular until the late 1930s and early 1940s.

Union Suits

The union suit is a close-fitting underwear garment. The term union refers to the fact that a union suit involves the combination of both a shirt and pants (drawers) in a one piece suit. The garment commonly included a drop seat. This term began to be used in the 1890s. The term union suit was commonly used for adults. The children's version was a waist suit or a waist-union suit. Women also wore union suits. So did girls. But they were associated mainly with men because more men than women wore them. With boys and girls, I'm not sure. I think waist union suits were equally popular for boys and girls because of the waist feature. Union suits for children were essentially combination suits. But union suits without the reinforcement straps were mainly a boy's garment.

Waist Union Suits

In the early 1920s the “waist union suit” for children was invented, which combined the functions of the adult-style underwear with those of the “waist” so that only one undergarment was necessary. Waist union suits became popular for children (both boys and girls) from about age 2 to age 13 or 14. They went out of style in the mid-1940s when boys ceased to wear long stockings with either shorts or knickers into their teen-age years and began to wear long trousers at earlier ages.


Most of the underwear garments offered here were for boys and youths meaning essebntially teenage boys. There were some garments, however, identified as children's underwear mean ing that they were suitable for both boys and girls.

Underwear Garments Offered

The Sears pafe was headlined with, "Sizes That Fit Mean More Than Comfort. They Insure Better Wear."

Elastic ribbed cotton union suits

At the top left, the Sears ad copy read, "There's real quality in these two suits. 42 c Each Suit. Boys' and Youths' Elastic Ribbed Cotton Union Suits 16 V 7516--Sleeveless 16 V 7517--Short Sleeves White Sizes 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 and 34 inches chest measure State size. Shipping wt. 5 oz. Two popular styles in boys' good quality cotton suits at a price which means real value for you. Every size is made to correct dimensions which means good wear and comfort. Specially tailored rounded seat which will not gap. Light weight.

Elastic ribbed combed cotton union suits

At the top center The Sears ad copy reads "Combed Cotton, Two Styles. Color White. 63 c Each Suit Our Best Union Suit for Boys. Two Popular Styles in Light Weight, Elastic Ribbed Combed Cotton Union Suits 16 V 7526--Sleeveless, loose fitting knees 16 V 7527--Short sleeves, knee length with close fitting cuffs Sizes, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 and 34 inches chest measure. State size. Shipping weight, 6 ounces. A real quality suit for boys. This suit is knit of high grade combed cotton yarn, especially designed and cut over our own dimensions, which insures your boy a perfect fitting garment. All seams are flatlock sewed; in fact, every detail of workmanship in this suit is of the best.

Athletic style nainsook suit

The Sears ad copy at top right read, "Our Most Popular Athletic Style for Boys. 42 cents Each Suit Just Like Dad's--Quality and All 16 V 7505--White Sizes 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 and 34 inches chest measure. State size. Shipping weight, 5 ounces. A regular athletic style nainsook suit designed to give young chaps the same good comfort and service that Dad requires. It is a light weight suit. Made of nainsook in a pattern similar to illustration. Elastic ribbed band across the back.

Elastic knit waist union suits

The Sears ad copy at the bottom left read, "Children's Elastic Knit Waist Union Suits. For Boys and Girls 16 V 7090--White Sizes to fit ages 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13 years. State size. Shipping weight, 5 ounces. You'll find it hard to beat this suit in quality and price anywhere. It is knit of good quality cotton in a medium low neck. Sleeveless, knee-length style. Reinforced with tubular straps. Pin tubes for garters. Drop seat. Medium light weight.

Mesh weave union suit

The Sears ad copy at the bottom, left center read, "59 c Each Suit. Mesh Knit. Cool and Comfortable for Boys 16 V 7521--Cream Color Sizes, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, and 34 inches chest measure. State size. shipping weight, 6 ounces. When Old Sol seems to smile and does his best to make things pop under scorching rays--what a comfort it will be for the young fellow who wears a fine mesh weave union suit. They're light weight and cool. Made with one big thing in mind and that's comfort. Elastic knit close fitting cuffs at knees and short sleeves.

Mesh suits

The Sears ad copy at the bottom center read, "39 c Each Suit Your Boy Will Find Comfort in Mesh Suits. 16 V 7525--White Sizes, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 and 34 inches chest measure. State size. Shipping weight, 5 ounces. Light weight, fine mesh fabric is very comfortable for summer wear. This suit is made in the popular athletic style, sleeveless and loose fitting knees.

Nainsook athletic suit

The Sears ad copy at the bottom righjt read, "Pilgrim union is full of quality. 57 c Each SuitOur Best Nainsook Athletic Suit for Boys 16 V 7529--White Sizes, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 and 34 inches chest measure. State size. Shipping weight, 6 ounces. You will find that this suit is proof of the fact that we sell quality as well as preach it. It is a good, comfortable suit made of light weight new check nainsook patterned similar to the illustration. Sleeveless. Knee length. Elastic ribbed band across the back which affords not only comfort but good wear."


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Created: 1:46 PM 12/30/2004
Last updated: 1:46 PM 12/30/2004