** boys clothing: Soviet children's literature -- authors Vladislav Krapivin

Soviet Children's Literature Authors: Viktor Dragunsky (1913-72)

Figure 1.--This is a scene from the Soviet 1973 movie 'Capitan' based on the adventures of Viktor Dragunsky famed 6-year old character. Denis Korable.

Viktor Dragunsky was a Soviet children writer. He was born in United States, in New York in 1913 in the family of Russian immigrants, but his parents soon returned to Russia. He worked as a theater/movie actor, as a clown in circus and as a screenplay writer. But he became famous after in 1959 he started to publish small novels about everyday life of a small Russian schoolboy Denis Korablev. After Dragunsky’s death in 1972 all those novels were composed into one big book Denis’s Stories. His most beloved novels among Russian children are: He’s alive and shines, A mistery letter, A girl on the globe, What I love. Smell of the sky and tobacco, 25 kilograms exactly, Phantomas, 20 years long under the bed, and so on. Based on various Dragunsky’s novels about Denis Korablev there were taken several children movies in Sovien Union: “Funny Stories” (1962) “Where can it be seen, where can it be heard” (1973) “Captain” (1973) “A spyglass” (1973) “A fire in a house meaning rescue under the ice” (1974) “Wonderful adventures of Denis Korablev” (1979) In all stories Dennis is pictured as a cheerful and active first-grader who lives in Moscow with his mom and dad.

Viktor Dragunsky

Viktor Dragunsky was a Soviet children writer. He was born in United States, in New York in 1913 in the family of Russian immigrants, but his parents soon returned to Russia. He worked as a theater/movie actor, as a clown in circus and as a screenplay writer. But he became famous after in 1959 he started to publish small novels about everyday life of a small Russian schoolboy Denis Korablev.

Denis Korablev

In all stories Dennis is pictured as a cheerful and active first-grader who lives in Moscow with his mom and dad. He is the most beloved boy character to come out of Soviet literature and movies. Denis is charmingly depicted in Dragunsky's books. And Denis comes through as a real boy, not a cartoon character. He like most boys is often a little confused by adults and what adults say and do. Age 6 is a magical year for children. It is the age that they begin school. They are emerging from the closeted childhood of the family to the outside world of school. And all of this magic comes through with Denis. Whast we get are very simple tales, the kinds of things real children experience. While they seem small and trivial to adults, children like Denis see them as moumebtal.


After Dragunsky’s death in 1972 all those novels were composed into one big book Denis’s Stories. His most beloved novels among Russian children are: He’s alive and shines, A mistery letter, A girl on the globe, What I love. Smell of the sky and tobacco, 25 kilograms exactly, Phantomas, 20 years long under the bed, and so on.


Victor Dragunsky's storiesas far as we know were primarily destributed in the Soviet Union. Faina Glagoleva has translated quite a few Russian books into English, including Dragunsky's books. They are thus available in printed versions in English and on the Internet. He is not, however, not very well known to American reders.


Based on various Dragunsky’s novels about Denis Korablev there were taken several children movies in Sovien Union: “Funny Stories” (1962) “Where can it be seen, where can it be heard” (1973) “Captain” (1973) “A spyglass” (1973) “A fire in a house meaning rescue under the ice” (1974) “Wonderful adventures of Denis Korablev” (1979)


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Created: 8:25 AM 1/18/2010
Last updated: 8:25 AM 1/18/2010