Little Lord Fauntleroy: Reginald Birch's Clothing Illustrations

Figure 1.--This illustration from the early editions of "Little Lord Fauntleroy" show the children on the Earl's wearing smocks. Cedric of course wears his blacl velvet suit and lace collar. Notice the tam.

The original Birch drawings show Cedric wearing a sailor hat, black velvet suit, large (but not huge) pointed lace collar without ruffles, a sash, black stockings, and patent shoes. Birch primarily drew Cedric wearng the famed velvet suits and lace collars that have become known as Little Lord Fauntleroy suits. The velvet suit is not the only outfit Cedric is pictured in. An home with mother he is already wrearing a light-colored Fauntleroy suit with a lace collar. But once in England he wears the black velvet suit. It is some what difficult to tell from the illustrations whether Cedric is wearing kneepants or knickers. They do seem to blouse out slightly at the knees so they arecprobably knicker pants--but very trim fitting knickers. He also wears a sailor suit, appropriately enough for the ocean voyage to England. He also has a non-descript light colored kneepanrs suit (figure 2). His headwear is commonly a tam, but he wears a wide-brimmed hat with his sailor suit. One interesting aspect of the Birch drawings is the fact that children on the Earl's estate are depicted wearing smocks. It is unclear, but they do not seem to be children's smocks, but rather the smovks worn by agricultural workers. The Birch drawings were done in 1885. We are unsure how common smocks were at the time. They certainly were common in the early 19th century, but were going out of style by the late 19th century. It is likely that Birch's drawings here were a bit of nostalgia, but there were likeky still p;aces in England that smocks were still worn at the time.


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Created: April 23, 2003
Last updated: April 23, 2003