British Royalty Royalty: Prince Harry--Youthful Problems

Figure 1.-- A photograph of Harry shows him dressed like a typical middle-class teenager with an open polo shirt (purple with red collar) and a dark tee shirt underneath. Notice the touseled hair (another teen fad) and the reluctant smile for the cameraman.

Prince Harry as a young man has encountered some problems. He has a very effective pick-up line, "Let's go back to the palace. He dresses like any other rich young man. A photograph of Harry shows him dressed like a typical middle-class teenager with an open polo shirt (blue with red collar) and a dark tee shirt underneath. Notice the touseled hair (another teen fad) and the reluctant smile for the cameraman. Prince Harry is known to detest photographers who have recently caught him at some unflattering moments. He was recently seen at a costume party dressed as a NAZI (with a swastika arm band), which caused a popular uproar all over the world. One wonders just what he learned at Eton. The outfit did not reflect any sympathies with the NAZIs, but did suggest both a lack of judgement anf full appreciation for wjhat the NAZIs did. Prince William was at the same party. Here we are not sure whether his falure to step in shows a similar lack of judgement or a lack of communication between the two brothers. Prince Harry was also recently photographed coming out of a London nightclub, somewhat inebriated, where he punched a photographer for daring to take his picture. He apparently prefers very informal, almost grunge-style, clothes like many other boys of his generation. In the present photograph he is about 19. He graduated from Eton and is preparing to enter Sandhurst as a cadet, the British equivalent of West Point.


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Created: 2:25 AM 3/1/2005
Last updated: 2:25 AM 3/1/2005