Bavarian Royalty: Prince Leopold and Arch Duchess Gisela-- Children

Figure 1.--Here we see Arch Duchess Gisele and Prince Rudolph with their children: Georg, Konrad, Elisabeth, and Auguste. I am not sure when this portrait was taken, but would guess about 1889. The family is in mourning, perhaps for the death of Austrian Crown Prince Rudolf.

The Parents

Prince Leopopold (1821- )

Prince Leopold of Bavaria wss the brother of Prince Regent Leopold of Bavaria. Prince Luitpold was the fifth child. Given his dynastic position, the young Prince as a boy and young man had no expectation of succedding to the throne

Arch Duchess Gisela

We have little information about Princess Gisela. We do note several photographs taken with her and Prince Rudolf when they were quite young. A good example is the image where the two were photographed with their father (figure 1). Their mother was clearly not ready for motherhood when she and Rudolf were born early in the marriage. Giesela, like her mother, also married young at only 15 years.

The Children

I have little information at this on the children of Gisela and Leopold. There appear to have been several children. As the children's father was Bavarian the boys would have grown up in Germany rather than Austria. (Bavaria became a part of the German Empire when it was created (1871). We know of four children. We have no information at this time as to what became of the children.


The older children were Princess Elisabeth and Princess Auguste. I m not sure who was oldest. The arrival of children meant that Gissela's mother, Emperess Elizabeth, at the age of only 36 years became a grandmother for the first time--long before she wished to be.


We have little information about Princess Auguste. We do know that she married into the Hapsburg royal family. She maried Archduke Joseph (1872-1962), but we do not yet know his ancestry within the Hapsburg family.

Georg (1880-1943)

The third child was Georg (1880-1943). We note a portrait of him wearing a sailor suit in 1885. We have know information about him at this time. He died in 1943 as a canon in the Vatican. He hada son with a Czech woman who was known as the Panzer Prince.

Konrad (1883-1969)

The fourth child was Prince Konrad. We know very little about him. We have one portrait of him in a spiked helmet and military uniform. Both the Austrians and Germans used this type of uniform.



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Created: April 2, 2004
Last updated: April 3, 2004