Prince Franz Josef: Boyhood Clothing

Figure 1.--At age 18 we note Franz Josef earing an elaborate military uniform. This would have been made about 1848 when he became emperor as a young man.

We do not know much about how Franz Josef was dressed as a boy. Our information is limited to availble images and we have been able to find very few. As a little boy he seems to have worn dresses. Here we see him in 1832. He would have been about 2-3 years old. The portrait was painted by Ferdinand Georg Waldmueller. He wears a long white dress with a large white collar. At age 18 we note him wearing an elaborate military uniform. This would have been made about 1848 when he became emperor as a young man.


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Created: 8:59 PM 5/31/2009
Last updated: 8:59 PM 5/31/2009