Austrian Royalty: Emperor Karl's Chilre--Exile (1920-30)

Figure 1.--Here is Emperess Zita with the children on an unidentified beach about 1925-26. Here the children wear berets and sunhts. For some reason the sunhats were seen as more appropriate for the younger children.

The children's father Emperor Karl attempted to revive the monarchy in Hungary. He failed and was arrested. Thus a Napoleon-like solution to the “Habsburg problem” was decided upon by the ambassadors. He was exiled to Madeira and the British Royal Navy deposited him there (November 19, 1921). He was destitute. A local banker provided him a home up in the mountains. Maderira is a rainy island and the climate was not good for Karl's already weak health. The children joined them there. Karl caught a cold which developed into pneumonia (March 1922). Zita was again pregnant when Karl died. It has been aledged that Maderia was specifically selected because Karl had weak lungs and the wet climate was not healthful climate for him This left Zita alone with the children. Gradually in the 1920s the Austrian princes began to wear less fancy clothes anf shorter hair. In part is a reflection of how significantly boys clothing changed after World War I (1914-18). A photograph taken in 1927, for example, shows the boys dressing as in wealthy European family might dress. Prince Otto who would have been about 15 years old wears a mature-looking knicker suit.


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Created: 7:11 PM 12/17/2004
Last updated: 7:11 PM 12/17/2004