Liberian Education

Figure 1.-- These Dingamo village boys are making mud blocks for the village school building. Villagers provided unskilled labor, mud blocks, sand, gravel, food and lodging for building supervisor and quarters for education technicians who worked with project. The photograph is undated, but was taken about 1955-60. Source: American Colonization Society collection.

The first schools in Liberian were missionary schools, although we still have little infomation about early schools in the country. The history of Liberia is closely tied to the American abolitionist movement wehich began settling former slaves in Liberia (1822). The first schools were proably adopted at the tiome. The capital is name Monriovia after U.S. President James Monroe who was president when the settling of former slaves began. The Afro-Americans declared a republic (1847). A social divide developed between the Afro-Americans and the native residents in the interior. Samuel Doe carried out a military coup which led to authoritarian rule (1980). Charles Taylor led a rebellion (1989). This was the beginnung of the Civil Wars. The country's education system was severely impacted by the First and Second Liberian Civil Wars (1989-2003). The literacy rate was estimated at slightly over 60 percen (2010). The male rate was somewhat highr thn thee female rate. Primary and secondary education is free and theotetically compulsory for children 6-16 years of age. Ebforcement is, however, very limited. Liberian children average abput 10 tears of education, actully fairlt immressive after more than 10 years of civil war. As in most African countries, education in Liberia is handicapped by inadequate buildings and supplies as well as a lack of well-trained teachers.


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Created: 6:05 AM 2/24/2013
Last updated: 6:05 AM 2/24/2013