English School Uniform Garments: School Lists

Figure 1.--An English reader writes, "I attended St Hugh's a boarding preparatory school. Here is my old school uniform list from 1967. The school is still going strong, though the uniform has changed a bit since then." Put your cursor on the image tpo see the second page.

A helpful guide to the school uniform garments worn at English schools are the school lists sent to the parents for each school year. Assemblying the various items was quite a task each year, especially for boys attending boarding schools. These lists provide a very detailed list of the uniform garments and how they changed over time and among different schools. The information is much more detailed than just a school portrait. They include not only uniform details., but sports equipment and incidental items like pajamas. The lists also contained a variety of interesting instructions about the uniform. HBC readers have provided us copes of these lists they received as boys.


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Created: 6:43 AM 9/13/2010
Last updated: 6:43 AM 9/13/2010