*** English school uniform: trousers -- chronology

English School Trousers: Chronology--the 20th Century

Figure 1.--This postcard-back snapshot looks like a family outing in the 1920s or possibly thec early-30s, a mother and three children, Dad probably took the photograph, butnitbcouild have beeb a stree photoraphr. We do not know what site they are visiting. The children look to be about 10-16 years of age. The younger boy looks to be wearing his school uniform. The teenage boys wears a knickers suit, but we do not think it was a school uniform, although he looks to be wearing his school tie.

Short trousers began to appear after the turn of the 20th century. They were esentially knee pants until after World War I when the modern short pants appeared, or short tousers as the British would say. They were very common in the first half of the 20th century. Most boys at atate primary school wore short trousers, although there were not commonly uniforms, except at private preparatory schools. Short trousers for school wear were very common during the inter-war era and continued into the 1950s. gey shorts were common, but not universal, We see them done in siffeent stryles and material. Lengths varoed. The knickers wore in the late-19th century were rarely seen at schools diring the 20th century. Teenagers usually from families in comfortable circumstances might wear knicker throough the inter-War era, but these we mot school uniforms. Most children until after World War II did not go on to secondary schools. Secondary schools did have uniforms, but I do not have much information on secondary schools in the pre-World War II era. There were major educational reforms after the War. And primary schools began introducing uniforms which commonly included short trousers--usually grey shorts. Uniforms were mostly worn at private schools until after World war II. Amd many of the new school uniforms at state schools included short pants uniforms. Often the uniform required shorts for the younger boys. With the 1960s, shorts trousers began to become less common, especially at secondary schools, although some primary schools and most preparatoty schools required short trousers into the 1970s. . This trend continued at the primary schools by the 1980s. Shorts also became less common at private prepartory schools. Senior boys commonly wore long grey or black trousers. Long trousers became increasingly common in the 1980s. A number of primary schools have made short trousers seasonal wear.


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Created: 1:22 AM 8/2/2014
Last updated: 1:22 AM 8/2/2014