English School Uniform: Individual Schools--Queen Anne's School at Caversham

Figure 1.--A deep red rose, Queen Anne's favorite flower, was chosen as the school's emblem. The Queen Anne's girls reportedly originally wore a cardinal red hooded cloak.

The origins of Queen Anne's School at Caversham date back to the end of the 17th century. Eight citizens of Westminster founded the Grey Coat Hospital for the children of the borough (1698). They wanted to create a school that would provide a "nursery for loyal citizens, honest workers and solid Christians". Queen Anne the last Stuart monarch granted the Charter (1706). She created The Royal Foundation of Queen Anne to help provide for the school. It was not until two centuries later that the issue of educating girls was addressed. The Governors used part of the endowment to found a boarding school for girls at Caversham (1894). The school was named after Queen Anne. A deep red rose, Queen Anne's favorite flower, was chosen as the school's emblem. The Queen Anne's girls reportedly originally wore a cardinal red hooded cloak. A HBC reader writes, "The girls at Queen Annes school wear a red hooded school cloak." The hood appears to have emerged as part of the girl's school uniform in Britain. Boys were less likely to have hoods on their coats.


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Created: 3:26 AM 5/16/2007
Last updated: 3:26 AM 5/16/2007