Individual Welsh Schools: Carnetown Infants School

Figure 1.--This is an Infants School at the Carnetown Infants in 1919. It was located at Abercynon. This was the Group 4 class.

We note a photograph of the Carnetown Infants School in 1919. We have very limited information about the school. The school was obviously for younger children These Infants Schools were often attached to schhols with older primary children--Junior Schools. The two groups were, however, kept separate. Infant Schools in Wales and England were for children 5-7 years old. This was Group 4, although we do not know what that meant. Was this the oldest or youngest children or were they grouped in some other way. The photograph was taken in 1919. The school was located at Abercynon. We see the children wearing quite a range of clothing. We note the boys wearing suits many with lace or ruffled collars. A British reader, however, tells us that these schools were for children 5-7 years. Some modern infants school have reception for younger children and even attached nursery schools. It is difficult to tell from this 1919 image, but some of these children look younger than 5 years old to us. A reader writes, "Younger children were clearly accepted at this school. This is very rare. I have never seen children this young in a vintage class photo before. I have quite a collection of historical British school photographs and I am really surprised to see this. I can explain the variance of age in the class. Group 4 is just an arbitrary number - it was probably quite a large school that had more than one infants class. Easy to imagine, with it being a mining town, it would have had a high population and probably only one main school. Infants have only recently been split into year groups. When I was at Infants School in the 1970s my class was a mix of both years. There were 4 classes in my infants school, and each of those 4 classes has a mix of 1st and 2nd Years, aged 5 to 7.


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Created: 8:35 PM 1/13/2005
Last updated: 8:35 PM 1/13/2005