Button-on Shorts: Age Styles

Figure 1.--The shorts of this button-on shorts set available in 2002 had regular legs. It was probably for a 2-4 year old. Also notice he smocking on the blouse.

The styles of the button-on shorts differed substantially depending on the age of the child. This also fluctuated chronolgically. Shorts for very young boys, for example, might have elasticized romper styling. Most button-on shorts, however, has normal leg openings. Some button-on shorts looked rather like normal shorts with realtibely small buttons sometijmes in the same color as the shorts. Sometimes there was even a self-belt that hid the buttons. Other button-on shorts for younger boys came with large white buttons, often quite large giving a more juvenile look.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: February 23, 2002
Last updated: February 23, 2002