Boys' Sports and Athletic Uniforms: Gymnastics

Figure 1.--This gymnasist is getting instruction from his coach. Boys often wear white socks with the white ballet-type slipers often worn.

HBC at this time is not familiar enough with gymnastics to describe gymnastics as a sport or the uniforms worn by the participants. the outfits in general. We do have some infornation as to the origins of the term "gymnasium" which dates back to classical Creece. Gymnastics was an important part of the pysical eduxation programs that developed in the 19th century. It is why the facilities in schools abd clubs for physical education became known as 'gyms' and the classes as 'gym'. I recall that PE classes in American secondary schools included various gym activities like tumbling, parallel bars and other events. Interest in gymnatics w revived after the Cold war and became part of the Cold War. The Soviet Union wanted to demonstrate its superority with the Wst. Soviet officials decided that the Olympics woukd be an excellent opportunity to demonstrate this. Thus theu poured enormous resources in developing talent in all the various Olymouc events abd there were quite a few gymastic events. The Eeaster European attelites (esopecially Eat Germay and Romania) followed the Soviet lead. Television coverage of the Olympics also kindeled interest in Western countries, especially te stunning performance of Nadia Comăneciin the 1980 Olympic Games. We hope to eventually add some basic information on the sport.


Gymastics are physical exercises that evelop and demonstrate strength, balance, and agility. Many gymnastic exercises are performed on specialized equipment such as the even and uneven bars and rings. There are also floor exercises without equipment.


Gymnastics are toay named after the gymnasium or gym, a specialised building or room equipped for indoor sport, exercises, or physical education. The term was erived from clasical Greece where the gymnasium was a public facility for athletic training, usually including a running track, exercise field, an palaestra. The word itself was derive from the Greek word "gymnós", to train in the nude. The wor gumnasium was also use for secondary schools in continental Europe, especially Germany, which employed a classical curriculum to prepare students for university education. Interstingly, European gymnasiums while persuing an rigorous academic program, rarely had notable atheletic programs.


Many boys prefer team sports, but there are a variety of individual sports like athletics and guymnastics that appeal to ther boys. Gymnastics used to be an element in the physical education program in American highschools. Since the 1960s, PE programs have decline. Many boys thus go through high schools without any gymnastic experience. HBC is less sure of the situation in other countries. The Olympics have, however, helped to popularize the sport--especially among girls. Many boys have also become interested. HBC believes that the gymnastic training has generally come from private athletic clubs.


Several garments are associated with gymnastics.


Tank-top type shirts are commonly worn at both practices and gynastic events. These shirts are populkar because they leave the arms completely free without any hinderences.

Figure 2.--Gymnasists have traitionally wear white shorts and long pants practice garments. In recent years more colorful tights have become popular. Notice the white ballet-type slipers.


Boys commonly wear short pants, usually white shorts, innpractice sessions.


Boys, especially European boys, may wear tights for warmth and protection while playing sports during the winter. One athletic event actually uses tights as a standard part of the uniform--gymnastics. Boys have worn loose fitting white tights for years in gymnastics performances. New materials and the popularity of lycra tights have revolutionalized attire in gymnastics--which now can be very colorful. HBC at this time has very little information on gymnastics and the costumes worn at gymnastic events.


American boys commonly wear white socks with their gynastic slippers.


Gym slippers are very similar to ballet slippers, except that they are usually white instead of balck.


We do not yet have much information about gymnastics in different countries. I remember that in my American highschool during the 1950s that there was an extensise physical education program which included gymnastics. I recall we spent considerable time on tumbling and on the paralell bars. It was not an activity that seem particularly popular with the boys. I'm not sure about the girls. Gym was done separately at the time. Of course in the 1970s, gymnastics became very popular for girls. Here two factors were at play. Not only was sports becoming more acceptable for girls, but televised Olympics gymnastics had a major impact. We note some images of Austrian boys doing gymnastics. We are not sure how popular gymnastics is in Austria. We assume it was mostly done through spirts clubs. We are not sure about England. We think the primary focus in England was on team sports. The popularity of gymnastics in Germany we assume was similar to Austria.


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Created: April 20, 2001
Last updated: 1:39 AM 5/16/2012