Norwegian Lapp Clothing

Figure 1.--This boy wears a characteristiv Lapp tunic done in bright colors.

The traditional clothing of the Lapps or Sammi reflects the frigid Arctic environment in which they live. For the Sami, the traditional clothing is an everyday expression of ethnicity (or togetherness) which differs from the clothing of neighbouring cultures. As traditional Lapp clothing was primarily an adaptation to the severe climate, fashion was secondary to function. Lapp ethnic dress tioday is very colorful. This may, however, reflect the appearance of inexpesive dyes in the late 19th century rather than tradtional styles. Actually Sami's traditional clothes is very diverse. HBC knows of no specifically children's fashions. Children and adults appear to wear the same styles. The Lapps today seem to dress mostly in Patagonia clothes.


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Created: 5:03 AM 2/18/2005
Last updated: 7:18 AM 2/18/2005