Latin America Gypsys

Figure 1.--This is photo from a Gypsy camp in Antofagasta, Chile. This is the northern mining area of Chile. We are not sure why Chile seems to be the favored country for Roma.

The Khoraxané or Xoraxané are a Gypsey group apparently from Anatolia that settled in the central Balkans (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Southern Serbia, Macedonia and Albania) during the Ottoman rule. The term 'Saracene' (Muslim) is often used in Europe to describe these Gypsys. A substantial number of Khoraxané Roma migrated to South America (early-20th century). We are not sure what prompted this. Their primary initial destination was Brazil. Most apparently settled there. Some went on to other countries or subsequently traveled to other countries. Quite a number went on to Chile. A few Roma had previously migrated ton South America. But the Khoraxané Roma became the dominant group. They are the only ″autochthonous″ Gypsy group in this country. The Chilean grooup has become increasingly important. We are not sure why Chile became a preferred destination. In South America the Khoraxané are often referred to as 'Gitano Chileno'. Their dialect is similar to that used by the European Khoraxané, but is even closer to mainstream Romany. They call themselves ″Jorajané″ in Spanish. They aadhere to the Romany Law and are Christians. Most have Christian Slavic surnames (Arestić, Nikolić, and Pantić), but new ones like California have begun to appear. One noticeable characteristic is red hair which is very common. Some Chilean Jorajané have moved on to Argentina and other South American countries as well as Mexico and the United States. There is also a degree of intermarriage between Kalderaša and Mačvaya. We note some of the same criminal behavior that has play\ged Romani communities in Europe.


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Created: 12:29 AM 1/18/2011
Last updated: 12:29 AM 1/18/2011