Boys' Hair Styles: Chronology--the 1860s

Figure 1.--This American boy had his portrait taken in the 1860s. Note the stock neckwear and the hair over his ears.

Very young boys commonly did not have their hair cut. But this vatied from family to family. We do not yet notice many boys with ringlet curls, but it was a common style for girls and we know that some younger boys did wear ringlets. . Some boys had their har cut before and others after breeching. We notice an American boy still wearing a dress in 1865. He has thick, but short haiir. We notice boys wearing their hair longer than in the early 19th century. Boys from fashionable families commonly wore their hair over their ears. earing hair at this length was common for both boys and adult men. It would not have been seen as a specifically boyish style. Bys of all ages wore their hair over their ears. A good example is a younger German boy. The American boy here with a Napoleonic pose is another good example.


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Created: 6:52 AM 6/28/2004
Last updated: 2:17 AM 2/10/2008